Over the past few weeks my mom and I have been making
numerous festive signs. They look great over fire mantels; hung on the wall,
placed on your counter top against your backsplash or they make excellent
Christmas presents.
These signs are really easy to do but can be a little time
Items you’ll need to make these Holiday Signs:
Piece of wood
Acrylic Paint
Carbon Paper
Print Shop OR Microsoft Word
Palm Sander
Picture Hanging Set
**All these items can be purchased at a lumberyard and a
dollar store.
Step 1: Sand down your piece of wood to a nice smooth
surface. Now take your paintbrush and paint the entire sign your background
color. Let the wood sit to dry for about 30 minutes.
Step 2: Use Microsoft Word or Print Shop to print your
quote. Print shop allows you to put your board’s measurements in allowing you
to print a perfect printout of your quote.
Step 3: Now place your printed out quote onto your board and
tape the top edges onto the wood. Place the carbon paper underneath the quote
pattern. Take a pencil and trace over the quote. The carbon paper will allow
the quote to transfer onto the piece of wood.

Step 5: Use your picture hanging set to nail a hook and some nails into the back of your board allowing your quote to hang on the wall. Once the hook is attached to the board your sign is finished!
Happy Holidays Guys!
Happy Holidays Guys!

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