Hey Guys,
Now that the Halloween Season is finally over... it felt
like it lasted forever! It’s time to prepare for Christmas. This iPhone
Charging Dock can be a great gift for a teenager’s bedroom or dorm room.
This iPhone charger is cleverly placed in between stacked,
vintage, books. You can simply slip your iPhone into the upright portal and
your iPhone will instantly charge!
Items you will need to create this Vintage Book iPhone
Charging Dock:
4 Vintage Books
5 ft. iPhone Charger Cord
iPhone Portal
Box Cutter Knife
Hot Glue Gun & Glue Sticks
**Vintage books can be purchased at a thrift store, and the iPhone
portal can be purchased at an electronic store or I just used the piece that
came in my beats iPhone dock.
Step 1: Once you have all your materials and tools, take a
ruler and measure the top piece of the iPhone charger that connects to the
phone. Once measured, draw those measurements on top of the book you would like
to be your top book.
Step 2: Take your box cutter knife and cut out that little
rectangle you just traced on the cover of top first book. Make sure that the
rectangle is a little smaller than the iPhone cord so that it fits in there
Step 3: Now that the cover layer is cut, the charger needs
to fit flush into the book. So you’re going to have to cut the same rectangle
into all of the pages of the first book until the charger is sitting flush. In
the second book you’re going to have to cut the same rectangle as the first,
although you’re also going to have to cut a straight line all the way to the
back of the book, big enough so that the iPhone cord can fit flush into the
pages. You’re probably only going to have to cut through the first 2 books but
if your cord still isn’t sitting flush in the pages then cut the third book.
Step 4: Once the iPhone charger and cord are sitting flush
into the books, take your portal piece and push it into the rectangle cutout on
top of the first book. You might need to cut the rectangle piece a little
bigger so that the portal piece fits nicely into the hole. Make sure that the
iPhone charger piece fits through the portal and sits nicely so an iPhone can
sit sturdy, upright on the book. Now glue the iPhone charger onto the portal
and the portal down into the books.
Step 5: Now that portal and the cord are glued onto the
books, stack the remainder 2 books underneath the other 2 books and use your
hot glue gun and glue each book together. Once all the books are glued together
you can now start charging your phone!
Enjoy Guys!
(The black piece is the iPhone Portal Piece)